I'm afraid to work on my book on this machine because I have an older version of Word on here, and although I own the licence, I'm having difficulty getting it registered, so I have only 32 more uses before it shuts down. Fun. I don't want to lose my work.
Luckily, I saved my book to a flash drive every day, so I didn't lose anything when I lost the computer. Plus, the hard drive is okay, so my computer guy can transfer my data to the new computer anyway. Yeah! But it's going to be the end of next week at least before I can get a replacement.
It's just so difficult not being able to put my ideas down on paper. It's as if they sprout and then go back into the ground. I hope they will lie dormant there until I can write again.
I lost a computer once, too. It was sad day at my house. I did EVERYTHING on that conmputer, and I felt a weird attachment to it. That went away though, when I got the new one. I'm so glad you won't lose any of your book!